New (Type) | Ingredients | Directions |
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Envoy; Select Max
Rate -
(broadcast) 17 - 32 fl oz/A (0.13 - 0.25 lb a.i./A)
(spot) 0.33 - 0.66% (0.003 - 0.006 lb a.i./gal)
Timing - Apply when grass is 4 - 12" tall. Apply only when the grass is actively growing.
Remarks - Two applications per year may be necessary for older or denser populations.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Overspray or drift to desirable grasses should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to grasses.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Fusilade II
Rate -
(broadcast) 16 - 24 fl oz/A (0.25 - 0.38 lb a.i./A)
(spot) 0.5% (0.01 lb a.i./gal)
Timing - Apply when grass is 6 - 10" tall. Apply only when the grass is actively growing.
Remarks - Two applications per year may be necessary for older or denser populations.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Fluazifop can remain in the soil for one to two months depending on application rate and has the potential to contaminate surface runoff water during this timeframe. Maintenance of a vegetative buffer strip is recommended between the areas fluazifop is applied and surface water features. Overspray or drift to desirable grasses should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to grasses.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
fluazifop + fenoxaprop
Common product name:
Rate -
(broadcast) 8 - 12 fl oz/A (fluazifop: 0.13 - 0.2 lb a.i./A + fenoxaprop: 0.04 - 0.05 lb a.i./A)
(spot) 0.6% (fluazifop: 0.012 lb a.i./gal + fenoxaprop: 0.003 lb a.i./gal)
Timing - Apply when grass is 6 - 10" tall. Apply only when the grass is actively growing.
Remarks - Two application per year may be necessary for older or denser populations.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Fluazifop can remain in the soil for one to two months depending on application rate and has the potential to contaminate surface runoff water during this timeframe. Maintenance of a vegetative buffer strip is recommended between the areas fluazifop is applied and surface water features. Overspray or drift to desirable grasses should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to grasses.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Roundup Pro; many others (Aquatic: Rodeo; AquaNeat)
Rate -
(broadcast) 0.75 - 1.5 lb a.e./A
(spot) For a 3 lb a.e./gal product. 1 - 2% (0.03 - 0.06 lb a.e./gal)
Timing - Apply when target plants are actively growing and 6 - 8" tall.
Remarks - More than one application will be needed as entire rhizome will not be killed with a single application. Lower rates are effective if integrated with tillage. Wait 3 days after application before tilling.
Caution - Use product labeled for aquatic use if potential exists for solution to contact surface waters. Applications can result in bare ground as glyphosate is not selective. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Assure II; Targa
Rate -
(broadcast) 10 - 12 fl oz/A (0.07 - 0.08 lb a.i./A)
(spot) 0.5 fl oz/gal (0.003 lb a.i./gal)
Timing - Apply when target plants are actively growing and 6 - 10" tall. If quackgrass regrows, apply 6 - 7 fl oz/A (0.04 - 0.05 lb a.i./A) when it is actively growing and 4 - 8" tall.
Remarks - Use nonionic surfactant for spot treatment.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Remains in the soil for months depending on application rate and has the potential to contaminate surface runoff water during this timeframe. Maintenance of a vegetative buffer strip is recommended between the areas quizalofop is applied and surface water features. Overspray or drift to desirable grasses should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to grasses.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Segment; Poast
Rate -
(broadcast) 36 - 60 fl oz/A (0.3 - 0.5 lb a.e./A)
(spot) 2.25% (0.02 lb a.e./gal)
Timing - Apply anytime during the summer before seeds are produced. Two applications during the growing season are recommended.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Overspray or drift to desirable grasses should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to grasses.