New (Type) | Ingredients | Directions |
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Pendulum Aquacap, Prowl
Rate -
(broadcast) 100 - 134 fl oz/A (3 - 4 lb a.i./A)
Timing - Apply prior to germination of seedlings. While spring applications will maximize control, fall or winter applications may also suppress seedlings the following spring, depending upon environmental conditions.
Remarks - Reduced efficacy can be expected if <0.5" of rainfall occurs within 30 days of application.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Do not exceed applications of 67 fl oz/A on home lawns, parks, schools, and playgrounds. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Many (Aquatic: DMA 4 IVM; 2,4-D Amine 4)
Rate -
(broadcast) 1 - 2 lb a.e./A
(spot) For a 3.8 lb a.e./gal product. 0.5 - 2% (0.02 - 0.08 lb a.e./gal)
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Reapply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Caution - Use aquatically labeled product if potential exists for solution to contact surface water. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Rate -
(broadcast) 7 fl oz/A (0.1 lb a.e./A)
(spot) Equivalent to broadcast rates.
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Re-apply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Remarks - 14 fl oz/A can be used as long as less than half of the area is treated. Depending on the volume of solution applied per acres, typical mixtures for spot treatments are 2-8 mL Milestone per gallon of water.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Remains in soil for up to one year depending on application rate. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants. Do not compost treated plants as herbicide can persist through composting process.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Banvel; Clarity
Rate -
(broadcast) 32 fl oz/A (1 lb a.e./A)
(spot) Equivalent to broadcast rates.
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Re-apply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants. Rates > 16 fl oz/A (0.5 lb a.e./A) may cause stunting and discoloration of sensitive grasses, such as smooth brome.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Roundup Pro; many others (Aquatic: Rodeo, AquaNeat)
Rate -
(broadcast) 0.75 - 1 lb a.e./A
(spot) 1 - 2% (0.04 - 0.08 lb a.e./gal)
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Re-apply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Caution - Use product labeled for aquatic use if potential exists for solution to contact surface waters. Applications can result in bare ground as glyphosate is not selective. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided, as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Escort XP; Ally XP
Rate -
(broadcast) 1 oz/A (0.6 oz a.i./A)
(spot) 0.04 oz/gal (0.03 oz a.i./gal)
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out.
Remarks - This product provides pre-emergent control during the application year.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Remains in the soil for months depending on application rate. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Oust; Spyder
Rate -
(broadcast) 1 oz/A (0.75 oz a.i./A)
(spot) Equivalent to broadcast rates.
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Re-apply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Remarks - This product provides pre-emergent control during the application year.
Caution - Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Applications can result in bare ground as sulfometuron is not selective and can remain in the soil for months depending on application rate and site conditions. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.
Type -
User Type -
Effectiveness -
in season
year after treatment
Active Ingredient (A.I.):
Common product name:
Garlon 4; Element 4 (Aquatic: Garlon 3A; Element 3A)
Rate -
(broadcast) 16 fl oz/A (0.5 lb a.e./A)
(spot) 1 - 2% (0.04 - 0.08 lb a.e./gal)
Timing - Apply when target species is actively growing and fully leafed out. Re-apply if additional seedlings germinate after application.
Caution - Use product labeled for aquatic use if potential exists for solution to contact surface waters. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in groundwater contamination. Overspray or drift to desirable plants should be avoided as even minute quantities of the spray may cause severe injury to plants.